Why did large corporations emerge as the Industrial Revolution spread? essay

Just as cotton, and with it slavery, became the key to the American economy, it also shifted to the center of the global economy and its most consequential transformations: the creation of a global economy. The Industrial Revolution caused cities to turn into cities and existing cities to expand, both in population with newcomers from Europe and in rural areas in the United States. The 'Industrial Revolution' refers to the world's great transition that took place around 1830, from a fully agricultural, manual and artisanal economy to a fully mechanized, modern economy dominated by technology. The Industrial Revolution started in Britain and then spread to France, Germany. The Industrial Revolution is one of the most important events in human history and had a profound effect on many countries around the world. While the Industrial Revolution first began in Britain in the century, and played out in subsequent centuries, its effects are still visible in our lives. The Industrial Revolution, for example, deserves the name historians have labeled it. It brought about deep and lasting transformations not only in business and the economy, but also in the basic structures of society. Before industrialization, when the main economic activities in most European countries were small-scale agriculture, the textile industry was based on the development of fabrics and clothing, and was the main industry to benefit from the early developments of the Industrial Revolution. For example, some of the most important textile-related inventions of the Industrial Revolution were: power loom, spinning jenny, flying shuttle, water frame, and Industrial Revolution refers to dramatic changes in key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing. Industrialization came with great benefits, including an increase in people's living standards, increased employment and economic growth, among others. Get a custom essay on Britain. The 'Industrial Revolution' refers to the world's great transition that took place in the 1830s, from a fully agricultural, manual and artisanal economy to a fully mechanized, modern economy dominated by technology. The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain and then spread to France, Germany, the United States,

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