The Application of the Market Concept in Public Sector Marketing Essay

The foregoing is partly seen as a sign of limited knowledge of PR and/or emerging literature in the field of general marketing communications in the African public sector. Ophukah, 2003. This chapter therefore attempts to discuss the concept of public relations PR as a marketing communications tool for the public sector with a specific focus on Africa. This misunderstanding has led some public administration scholars to doubt whether “a full marketing approach is relevant to public services” (Connolly, 1991) and even to view marketing as potentially harmful to public administration, see for example The Basic Principle of the New Public Management NPM Paradigm, Laing and McKee, for example, is to run the government while moving the business community, to run the government as a business or market as a solution to the ills. What is striking is the implementation and adaptation of the instruments and concept of marketing in the different sectors of the economy, such as the private sector, the non-governmental sector or the public sector. Abstract. This article questions the validity of applying the market orientation construct, ostensibly developed for and in large multinational organizations, to a sector where.

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