Ignition timing of the gasoline engine Engineering essay

In most cases a full advance of 32 degrees will have occurred. An engine with a camshaft duration of degrees, but less degrees, a 0.050 inch valve. The performance of spark-ignition engines depends on many factors. One of the most important is ignition timing. It is also one of the most important parameters for optimizing efficiency and emissions, allowing combustion engines to meet future emissions targets and standards. Since the advent of Otto's first four, ignition timing has been the timing of the spark relative to the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. The vehicle's ECU uses its associated sensors to monitor engine speed, load and other parameters to adjust ignition timing accordingly. This ultimately results in better engine performance and fuel efficiency and is often modified by. Timing, Relative Air-Fuel Ratio, and Variable Valve Timing on SI Engine Performance and Emissions, 5 - 01 - SAEDThe time it takes for the fuel to burn is approximately constant. But the speed of the pistons increases as the engine speed increases. This means that the faster the engine goes, the sooner the spark must occur. This is called spark advance: the higher the engine speed, the more advance is required.

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