Benefits of Multiple Agencies for Children and Families Social Work Essay

The child and family social workers' government consultation response, published in , sets out the national rules for local authority use of child and family social services. Resume. We would like to hear your views on proposals to introduce national rules on the use of child and family social workers in local children's care. This consultation was. We assessed the practices of individual agencies, as well as the effectiveness of multi-agency working arrangements, including in children's services, health, schools and the police. A multidisciplinary service that works together with social work teams and community services to respond to the many needs of vulnerable families was evaluated. A mixed methods evaluation used service data and cost-saving models, interviews and a survey of care providers. As part of our work with often disturbed and dysfunctional children and families, we are able, with reflection, to work positively towards the best outcomes and in the best interests of the children we work with. The importance of reflective thinking, that is, breaking down and carefully analyzing the processes that take place in decision-making, in the areas of youth justice, child health and social care. talks about the concept of 'team around the child' Practice, p. 35, meaning families don't have to go to one agency. both make the point that little research has been done on how multi-agency work actually benefits the organization. Views. 1111. “Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions to provide an integrated way of working to support children, young people and families. ” DfES, 2001 In this essay my aim is to demonstrate an understanding of the collaborative skills required for effective multi, Kate Morris Ed. Bristol: The Policy Press. 13.95ISBN: 9781861349453This introductory text is a collection of essays aimed at social work students and qualified personnel moving into a new world. The National Service Framework NSF Department of Health, 2004 promotes a multi-agency approach as good practice in child and adolescent mental health: 'to meet the needs of children and young people with complex, severe and persistent behavioral needs and mental health care are met through a multidisciplinary approach. - desk,

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