Repower is a marketing essay by a German wind turbine company

Germany will seek to retain most of its wind power capacity as it will lose its guaranteed compensation after ending the annual feed-in tariff support scheme from next year. Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said a strategy that combines the so-called repowering of older turbines with newer models on the same site and, by installing these three turbines, with total capacity. Gamesa will overhaul the Debstedt wind farm in the state of Lower Saxony near Bremerhaven, in the northwest of Germany. This facility, currently equipped with turbines with a capacity of 1 MW, is operational and will be upgraded with new technology: eight. Performance Patterns – If you see the power generated by your wind farm decreasing over time, it could mean that there are some problems with your wind turbines. Maintenance Costs - If you notice a trend in rising costs to maintain cracked or damaged blades on your wind turbines, it may be time to analyze mechanical problems,

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