The pros and cons of global alliances Tourism essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism IELTS Essay Examples. Question - Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world · At a time when globalization is engulfing the entire ecosystem, tourism has a crucial responsibility for the development of global economies and nations. The first article emphasizes the importance of encounters in tourism and documents the threats of overtourism from mass tourism such as cruises. It offers solutions for responsibly managing meetings between host and tourist. The second article draws attention to the ways in which the tourism industry can give back. In this essay we discuss the pros and cons of tourism. Benefits: Stimulates the economy: Tourism generates income and creates employment for local communities. This essay discusses the pros and cons of international tourism and argues that it has more pros than cons. On the one hand, some people think that international tourism activities generate four times as many greenhouse gas emissions as previous estimates. Research has shown that global tourism is responsible for global greenhouse gas emissions. Even more worrying, this threatens progress towards the Paris Agreement; recovery efforts should focus on environmental sustainability. We'd like to show you a description here, but the site won't allow that. This is my essay on the pros and cons of tourism. Please tell me what my grade might be for that piece of my writing. Nowadays more and more people are visiting other countries.Essay type. Pros and cons essay. Introduction. Paraphrase the topic sentence using synonyms. Main paragraphs. The tourism sector is a valuable asset to a country's economy. Tourism represents a significant part of a country's national income. There are also disadvantages to the tourism industry, categories of disadvantages of tourism. Environmental disadvantages of tourism. Disturbance of the natural habitat. Resource depletion. Pollution. Erosion. Climate change. Disturbance to wildlife. Damage to coral reefs.

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