The Southeast Asian Nations Association essay

BIMP-EAGA Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines – East ASEAN Growth Area was launched as a collaborative initiative of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, all of which are members of the regional Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN. ASEAN definitely needs a new impetus, which may best come from Northeast Asia. If ASEAN were to consolidate, an East Asian regional association and perhaps even a new Asian multilateral entity encompassing both Northeast and Southeast Asia could emerge as a force for peace and economics, then in Bangkok the Association was of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established. , Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration Bangkok Declaration by the founding fathers of ASEAN: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN is a regional intergovernmental organization that promotes economic, political and security cooperation among the countries of Southeast Asia, including East Timor, which has joined it. In Kuala Lumpur, ASEAN leaders mapped out a vision for ASEAN, called 'ASEAN. That vision envisions ASEAN as a concert of outward-looking Southeast Asian countries living in peace, stability and prosperity, bound together in partnership and in dynamic development and in a community of caring societies.. 7

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