Analyzing the end of life as a concept essay

At the end of life, the patient needs more human attention and care than medication. Humanistic care is a holistic approach. Clinical management at the end of life should maximize the quality of life for both the patient and the caregiver and, where possible, ensuring early recognition of the end-of-life phase appears critical to ensuring that an individual has well-managed symptoms and a dignified death. Background: This study shows that end-of-life care emerged following the application of the end-of-life concept in clinical practice. Conclusion: The goal of end-of-life care for dying patients is to prevent or alleviate suffering as much as possible while respecting the patient's wishes. However, the Peaceful End of Life Theory focuses on improving the quality of life of terminally ill patients and achieving a peaceful end of life. The main concepts include pain. Results. This review includes four concept analysis studies on palliative care. Palliative care was described as an approach to alleviate physical and mental burdens. End-of-life care must ensure the patient's dignity and comfort. Abbaspour and Heydari, 2021 and nurses play an important role in this process Pereira and Ribeiro, 2023. A concept paper is a short document written to provide an overview of a project, research or idea. It outlines the main goals, objectives and methods of the intended project and serves as an introduction. · Anecdotes are often used as guidance in personal essays. A personal story makes the essay recognizable, creating familiarity for the reader and making him or her want to read more. An example of an anecdote hook is a persuasive essay about rerouting campus traffic that begins with a personal story about a car passing nearby. For Essays About Life. 1. What is the true meaning of life. Use this prompt to piece together different meanings of life and provide background on why someone defines life the way they do. Life includes many values ​​and depends on one's perception. Experience. Although dying is part of the human life that surrounds every person, some encounters with death are more impactful than others. My mother's death was an experience that most influenced my perspective on life and end-of-life care. She died before her birthday; her terminal illness was discovered late and she died less often. However, when the palliative care option was discussed, the parents' wishes and needs regarding their child's end-of-life care were obtained, respected and implemented by the team. Conclusion: Although shared decision-making was a well-known concept in Swiss neonatal intensive care units, parental involvement in the decision was high,

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