Common mechanism of antibiotic resistance Biology essay

Acquisition by transduction of heterologous genes, in particular of antibiotic resistance genes, could represent an important mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in water bodies. Given the high concentration of phages in such environments, Weinbauer, 2004, Srinivasiah et al. The 2008 transduction is likely to constitute one of the Introduction. Antibiotic resistance is age-old and the 'resistom' is a dynamic and increasing problem. Causes of the global backlash include overpopulation, increased global migration, increasing use of antibiotics in clinics and livestock farming, selection pressure, poor sanitation, proliferation of wild animals and a poor sewage system; Resistance to antibiotics occurs through four general mechanisms: target modification, efflux immunity, and bypass and enzyme-catalyzed destruction. Target modification can occur by mutation of the targets themselves - for example the topoisomerases targeted by the fluoroquinolone antibiotics - or by the antibiotic Resistance is one of the greatest global challenges facing modern medicine and society as a whole, and one of the least appreciated by practitioners and the lay community. Many strains of multidrug-resistant bacteria, such as methicillin- and vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium, have revolutionized medicine and saved countless lives since their discovery in the century. However, the origins of antibiotics are now overshadowed by the alarming increase in antibiotic resistance. This global crisis stems from the ruthless adaptability of microorganisms, driven by the misuse and overuse of antibiotics. In this article, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are responsible for millions of difficult-to-treat infections every year. Since antibiotic “miracle drugs” were first introduced into clinical use, resistance has recently followed closely. This problem has been greatly exacerbated by its extensive use in medicine and agriculture, combined with amoxicillin's remarkable ability to be a widely used beta-lactam antimicrobial agent. drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for primary care use. Amoxicillin is an aminopenicillin that is produced by adding an extra amino group to penicillin to combat antibiotic resistance. This drug is indicated for the treatment of infections caused by susceptible bacteria. The agricultural context is of particular interest because antibiotic-resistant bacteria are common, but the mechanism of resistance remains largely unexplored. Herein, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry GC-MS, we demonstrated that zhongshengmycin-resistant X. oryzae Xoo-Rzs and zhongshengmycin-sensitive X; There are many antibiotic binding targets in the bacteria. The change in the target site makes it difficult for the antibiotics to bind to the bacteria, which is an important mechanism for drug resistance. This mechanism is mainly reflected in the drug resistance of Gram-positive bacteria and polymyxin resistance. An important mechanism for the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance genes through bacterial populations is that such genes are assembled on plasmids that are independently replicated within and passed between bacteria. bacterial cells and species. This rapid acquisition of resistance is made possible by the antibiotic pressure from the environment. Bacteria can be adapted to adverse and harmful conditions that have general and specific responses to them,

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