High Technology in Apparel Industry Marketing Essay

Contact us now. In a survey conducted in July, a percentage of fashion buyers in Britain said they visit multiple websites. The textile and clothing industry Tamp A is next one of the most crucial industries for customer items with a long supply chain (EURATEX, 2017). It is also considered one of the world's most polluting industries (Fieldson and Rai, 2009). For example, clothing production requires enormous amounts of energy and water. The fashion industry thrives on the efforts of retailers who mainly take on the role of supplying, selling and merchandising products to consumers. Motivation in the fashion industry. As a student who will enter the industry in the future, my dream is to be the best designer and prioritize the needs of my clients. As a completely new process, there are various applications of laser in the clothing industry. Laser engraving and cutting technologies are now widely adopted in many garment industries, fabric production units and other textile and leather industries. Choudhury and, Nayak and Various applications of laser include: The later sections focus on sustainability practices across the apparel supply chain that can promote acceptance of sustainable fashion. This review article identifies five solutions from the latest research articles that are commonly used to increase consumer awareness and acceptance of sustainable fashion: 1 attention, the clothing industry accounts for global CO2 emissions and is the second largest industrial polluter. This can be partly explained by the size of the clothing industry, with estimates as high as one billion garments per person produced annually. Context: Clothing industry and climate change

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