Buddhism has been significantly influenced by Asoka's contribution Religion essay

Most scholars believe that Hinduism began somewhere BCBC in the Indus Valley, near modern-day Pakistan. But many Hindus claim that their faith is and always has been timeless. Religion, the relationship of people to that which they regard as sacred, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of special reverence. It is also widely regarded as the way people deal with the ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death. In many traditions, this relationship and these concerns are expressed in terms of: The conversion of the Mauryan Indian king Ashoka to Buddhism. is rightly seen as an important turning point in world history. Ashoka promoted the relatively new philosophy of Buddhism throughout his empire and allowed it to flourish, eventually leading to its spread throughout East Asia. The study of Buddhism in Australia has grown over the years, with a small number of books and academic theses now available. An edited volume, Buddhism in Australia: Traditions in Change, Rocha and, cited under Overviews, provides an important addition in presenting a wide range of work by scholars and leading researchers. Asoka found his answer in the policy of Dhamma. Asoka was aware of the tensions that the rise of heterodox sects such as Buddhism, Jainism and Ajivikism had created in society. They all opposed the rule of the Brahmins in one way or another and had a growing number of followers. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion, not a belief in a creator god, and is also considered a philosophy and a moral discipline, having its origins in the region of present-day India in the century BC. It was founded by the sage Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha lc 563 - c. who, according to legend, had been a Hindu prince. This fact suggests that Buddhism was still a relatively unknown and geographically limited religion at the time of Megasthenes. Two generations later, Buddhism began its transformation into a world religion under the strong patronage of Emperor Ashoka c. 304 - who made it the official religion of the Maurya Empire. Siddhartha Gautama better known as the Buddha, lc 563 - c. was, according to legend, a Hindu prince who renounced his position and wealth to seek enlightenment as a spiritual ascetic, achieved his goal and, by preaching his path to others , founded Buddhism in India in the 5th century BC. The events of his life are: On this journey through Cambodia and Southeast Asia, intrepid traveler and scholar Stephen T. Asma explores and explains the basic principles of Buddhism. After the Vietnam War, the communist Khmer Rouge banned the practice of Buddhism in Cambodia. To enforce their decree, they burned temples and imprisoned monks.

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