Medea Questions essay

~ What should be the focus when comparing the protagonists Medea and Antigone in an essay. What aspects can be compared and contrasted in an essay on Medea Honor and Revenge Before Happiness in “Medea” by Euripides. Identification of the true heroine in the story “Medea”. Jason brings his downfall in Euripides' Medea. Characteristics traditionally associated with masculinity and femininity and their contrasts in “Medea”. Love and hate according to "Medea" by Euripides. Medea Essay Questions. 1. Psychoanalysis of Medea Title: Libido: the real power of Medea SUMMARY In this study, Euripides' Medea is approached from a psychoanalytic perspective. Expert answers. Euripides Medea was produced in Athens BC. Athenian society was what is often called homosocial. Men and women had very different roles and educations and were socialized. Medea betrayed her family, murdered a king and his daughter, and killed her own children. However, Medea is undeniably the tragic hero of the drama. Despite Medea's wrong doings, over the course of the drama the play is written in a way that creates fear and pity for Medea. For every immoral act Medea commits, there are justifications,

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