Review of Crime Prevention in the Workplace Criminology Essay

When we think about pre-crime interventions, the last thing we expect is to find an emphasis on rehabilitation. And yet, the policy paradigms of social crime prevention and countering violent extremism, which reform the potential terrorist perpetrator, centralize the rehabilitation that took place before the crime. This begs the question: Criminology refers to the scientific study of crime by evaluating its causes, treatment by law enforcement, and the ways in which crime can be prevented. Criminology evaluates criminal behavior from an individual, social and natural perspective and examines how it can be controlled and managed. Criminology is an interdisciplinary subject. Furthermore, it is important to examine the underlying assumptions of the two approaches. The redevelopment approach assumes that crime prevention can be accomplished “through environmental design.” August 2016, p. 3406, i.e. it is the environment with its confined spaces and secluded paths that causes or makes crime more likely. In this essay, I discuss two recent monographs that have urged the use of intersectionality in criminological scholarship and discrimination law, respectively: Hillary Potter's Intersectionality and Shreya Atrey's Intersectional Discrimination. a short critical synopsis of both books, I evaluate the different ones.

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