Sita Tours And Travels Tourism essay

Sex Tourism Sex tourism can simply be defined as “travel whose primary motivation is to engage in commercial sexual relationships” Carter & Cliff, 200. Sex tourism is still somewhat of a taboo area within the larger tourism industry. It is difficult to estimate its numerical value for the sector due to the difficulties of primary research. The tourism sector is a highly labor-intensive service sector that generates employment for highly skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in sectors such as hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, tourism boards, shops, etc. One extra room in a hotel helps people find jobs. Socio-Cultural Impacts of Tourism Essay. people are going to work in the hotel industry, the transportation industry and national parks as tour guides. G amp Andereck, 'Factors Predicting Rural Residents' Support of Tourism', Journal of Travel Research, 43: 131 - 140. Murphy, 'Community.

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