Degradation of the Antimicrobial Compound Triclosan Biology essay

1 Introduction. Triclosan. 4,4′-trichloro-2′-hydroxy-diphenyl ether, TCS is a lipophilic phenyl ether with the characteristics of broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Basic information about TCS and its related compounds is shown in Table S1. The widely used Triclocarban TCC has been used for decades as an antimicrobial compound due to its disinfectant properties. Recent studies have shown that TCC is toxic and causes disruption of the endocrine system. In this work, ozone oxidation of TCC, acetonitrile:30 water solutions was studied. Ozone effectively degrades TCC and Triclosan 5-chloro-2-2',4'-dichlorophenoxyphenol, TCS is an antibacterial agent widely used in detergents, cosmetics, soaps, toothpaste and other pharmaceuticals and personal care products ( PPCPs) since it was first marketed, 1.2. TCS is a synthetic chlorinated aromatic compound, whose basic physical and Triclosan TCS is an antimicrobial agent so ubiquitously used that the U.S. population is likely exposed to this compound through consumer goods and personal care products. Triclosan, a polychlorophenoxyphenol, is a synthetic agent. broad spectrum antimicrobial compound used commercially in personal care products, households, hospitals and agricultural products, mainly in. 1. The photolytic degradation of TCS is one of the most powerful ways to reduce the concentration of TCS pollution in water. Degradation increases with the increase in light intensity and it has been observed that TCS decomposes into degradation products as intensity increases μW, μW, Zhang et al. 2020. Concerns have been raised about the potential of TCS for endocrine disruption as it has been demonstrated that the antimicrobial agent disrupts thyroid hormone homeostasis and possibly the reproductive axis, and there is strong evidence that aquatic species such as algae, invertebrates and certain species of fish are much more sensitive to TCS than mammals; The findings suggest that triclosan poses a low acute toxicity risk to estuarine organisms. However, the potential for chronic, sublethal and metabolite effects needs to be investigated. Triclosan, a commonly used antimicrobial compound, has been measured in aquatic systems worldwide. In this study, marine species were exposed to triclosan. The maximum degradation of Triclosan TCS achieved only by RHC was found to exist. 2, and in synergy, with ozone, a maximum. 6, degradation was observed. Photodegradation experiments in water were also performed by direct irradiation of the wastewater followed by SPME and GC-MS analysis. Again, photodegradation of triclosan occurred with the two light sources. Fig. the four kinetic photodegradation curves. As you can see, the decay of triclosan is very similar in both. The antimicrobial agent triclosan is an emerging and persistent environmental pollutant. This study evaluated the sensitivity and potential for biodegradation of triclosan by three bacterial strains Sphingomonas wittichii RW1, Burkholderia xenovorans LB Sphingomonas sp. PH-07 that can degrade aromatics, Triclosan TCS is an antimicrobial agent widely used in PPCPs for pharmaceuticals and personal care. The extensive use of TCS in PPCPs has increased over the past decades. Microaccumulation of triclosan, believed to be a risk factor for cancer, is commonly used in antibacterial and antiseptic agents, but the fungus Trametes,

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