Liberalism is the most convincing theory Political essay

Yale University Press. 30. Over the past four centuries, liberalism has been so successful that it has driven all its opponents from the battlefield. Now it is disintegrating. The bank bailouts emphasized the crucial role of the state in insuring the financial sector, to enable privatization of profits and socialization of losses. Instead of profitable production, neoliberalism discovers sources of profit by extending risk analysis to non-productive areas of social life, which can then be drawn. This chapter examines the three main classical theories in the field of international political economy (IPE): mercantilism, economic liberalism and neo-Marxism. It considers the. Structural explanation. Of the two main variants of democratic peace theory, the structural account argues that it is the institutions of representative government, which hold elected officials and decision makers accountable to a broad electorate, that make war a largely unattractive option for both the government and the government . its citizens. 4Both mercantilism and liberalism believe in hegemony, except that in the liberal view of hegemony the hegemon and everyone else benefits. While mercantilism is the sole beneficiary of the hegemon itself. While liberalism may not be the most effective traditional perspective for some, it is just as important as mercantilism, and liberal political theory also breaks with regard to the appropriate response to cultural, religious, etc. groups that endorse illiberal policies and values . These groups may deny education to some of their members, advocate female genital mutilation, restrict religious freedom, maintain an unjust caste system, and so on. More information. While realism is conceptualized as pessimism in the relations between states in the international system, liberalism portrays optimism and positivism as far as the relations and objectives of states in the international system are concerned. Realism portrays competition in relations between states. Locke's Political Philosophy. John Locke is widely regarded as one of the founders of modern liberalism and a major theorist of the social contract. In this article you will learn about his views on natural rights, consent, resistance and tolerance, as well as his influence on contemporary politics. This entry also relates to his political philosophy,

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