Blue Ocean Strategy and the Indian Education System essay

Have the right support systems in place. Successful strategy execution is only possible when there are no challenges; that is, the right resources are critical to the strategy. Involve all employees in carrying out 'Rote Learning'-Kanthastha, just like in ancient India. The best part of the Indian education system was and is the 'Rote Learning'-Kanthastha. This stimulates the mind, body and soul. Improves concentration and releases stress. Evokes inner feelings. In the CBSE system, with continuous analysis and understanding of the theoretical concept, the student is required to do: Preschool level: 5 years old. Basic elementary level: 6 years old. Primary education is guaranteed by our Constitution under A. For this level, the government has introduced Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan SSA under the Right To Education RTE Act. Secondary level: Age group -18. For this level the,

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