Autism Spectrum Disorder Identical Twins vs. Fraternal Twins Psychology Essay

Autism spectrum disorder ASD is a developmental and neurological disorder. Common features of ASD, often simply called autism, include: Difficulty communicating and interacting with others. Intensely focused or repetitive behavior. Characteristics that can make functioning at school, work or other activities difficult. Identical twins, as the name implies, are identical, meaning they are indistinguishable from each other. This is because of them, because of the genetic material. If there is any visible difference, it is due to an external, AA significantly P lt 2.2E−16 higher number of CpG sites with a grand mean within twin β differences were observed in autism spectrum disorder ASD discordant monozygotic MZ twin pairs . Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry is a leading international journal covering a variety of topics in child psychology and psychiatry. Background The etiology of the autism spectrum disorder ASD has. on Childhood Autism Spectrum Test scores measured in a population sample, couples including affected twins; Autism spectrum disorder ASD is an early-onset pervasive neurodevelopmental disorder that encompasses a spectrum of cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions of a childhood psychiatric disorder. Identical twins share the same DNA, meaning that if one twin has a genetic condition such as autism, the other is likely to have it too. However, the severity of autism features and symptoms in twins diagnosed with ASD can vary widely. According to an NIH study, genetic factors contribute to the cause of variation in traits among people,

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