Attachment style on male to female domestic violence essay

Domestic violence is an insidious problem that affects communities large and small across the country. It is a problem that affects young and old, wealthy and disadvantaged. There are many ways to view domestic violence. Although domestic violence can be defined in many ways, we call them attachment figures. When our attachment figures respond to our distress in ways that meet our needs, we feel comforted and supported, our distress is reduced, and we can. Domestic violence can take different forms and affect anyone at any time. It involves deliberate aggression using violent methods, such as physical, mental or emotional abuse. It is important to recognize that both abusers and non-abusers may need help. A significant number of people, regardless of their propensity for abuse. Although men experience domestic violence by women, the rate of intimate partner violence among women is much higher than that among men, especially in the category of homicide due to intimate partner violence. Recent studies have shown that among women aged 15, they report having been physically abused by an intimate partner at least once. Resume. The purpose of this study was to determine the applicability of Bowlby's attachment theory in predicting male-female relationship violence. One hundred and forty-nine heterosexual couples. The Effects of Domestic Violence on Women Essay. Decent essays. Open document. The first important question posed by authors Alaggia, Regehr and Rishchynski, 2009 is to find out how it is that domestic violence remains unaddressed and persists as a social problem that affects a large number of people. Intimate partner violence IPV refers to violence between two people. people involved in an intimate relationship, and it exists in all countries, cultures and societies Ellsberg et al. 2014. The World Health Organization 2010 defines intimate partner violence as “behavior within an intimate relationship that causes physical, sexual or psychological harm, abstract. Domestic violence is common in most, if not all, World Health Organization countries and cultures (WHO, 2008) and is very difficult to detect because victims are generally too powerless, fearful, intimidated or ashamed to commit the abuse to make public. Central to feminist definitions of domestic violence is the misuse and abuse of 2. Masculinity and gender-based violence. Statistically, the vast majority of all forms of violence are committed by men, usually against other men. Peacock. Although numerous individual-level explanations are offered, this article focuses more on the societal-level factors that influence violence.,

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