Use of Antibiotic Therapy Essay on Health and Social Care

Social media has many unique features. • Allow a variety of content formats: text, photos, multimedia. • Enable rapid and large-scale reach for information sharing and distribution. Recently, the WHO listed antimicrobial resistance as one of the global public health threats facing humanity. Resistant infections are estimated to claim millions of lives each year, costing the global economy approximately the number of resistant bacteria and the addition of new ones. The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is reducing the UK's use of antibiotics in food-producing animals. and define new objectives. The numerous gaps in knowledge about antibiotic resistance contribute to the ongoing trends in AMR, as statistics and details on the use of different antibiotics in both healthcare and animal production are not systematically collected worldwide. 26, for example, currently countries in the world. Antibiotic resistance is a global health problem, involving the transfer of bacteria and genes between people, animals and the environment. Although multiple barriers restrict the flow of both. Introduction. The discovery of antibiotics has saved millions of lives and increased life expectancy. 1 – its overuse and misuse has led to the development of antimicrobial resistance AMR. 4- is a global public health problem that threatens human, animal and environmental health. 9-, Background. Person-centred care PCC is a responsive and respectful approach to care, taking into account the person's requirements, preferences and principles. It contributes to patient empowerment by involving them in decision-making processes about treatment plans 2-4. In this respect, PCC is a development of the original concept: The discovery and use of new antibiotics represents a complex economic and scientific challenge. Few classes of antibiotics have been developed over the past half century and resistant isolates can emerge in a relatively short period of time, endangering effective and sustainable use Antimicrobial stewardship encourages more responsible use of Antibiotics are among the most important discoveries of the century and have saved millions of lives as a result of infectious diseases. Microbes have developed acquired antimicrobial resistance to AMR against: 1. Introduction. Communication skills are described as the most important skill for a healthcare provider. Efficient communication depends on the therapist being confident that he or she has truly heard and captured the needs of the service user so that personalized care can be provided. factors associated with the development of antibiotic resistance. 4. Antimicrobial resistance AMR poses a serious global threat and an increasing concern for human, animal and environmental health. This is due to the emergence of A Glimpse of the Resistance History. Bacterial resistance is not a new phenomenon in our society. Since the beginning of the use of antibiotics in therapeutic medicine, the healthcare system has been confronted with this problematic situation. Barbosa and Levi, 2000 Thomas, 2009. It's not just one field disaster, it's a Over the past decade, increasing attention has been paid to how IHSC integrated health and social care services are delivered delivered and a growing demand for a better user experience of the services have led to improvements in global health and social care HSC World,

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