Proposed hypothetical model by Yoon and Uysal Tourism essay

Yoon Y, Uysal M 2005 A study on the effects of motivation and satisfaction on destination loyalty: a structural model. Tour 1 45- Google Scholar Tourist loyalty is treated as an extension of customer loyalty in a tourism environment. Backman amp Crompton, 1991 Baloglu, 2001, that is, if the destination experience is considered as a product, tourists can choose to revisit or recommend it to friends and relatives, Yoon amp, Uysal, 2005. Research on the loyalty of tourists suggested three. The proposed structural equation model of tourist loyalty intention is presented in. The model establishes a direct causal effect relationship of tourists' satisfaction at the destination. Tourist motivations in general and push and pull motivations in particular have been identified as antecedents of tourist satisfaction and loyalty to tourist destinations. Lee, 2009, Yoon and Uysal, 2005. In other words, tourist behavioral intentions are predicted by tourist motivations and their overall satisfaction. A sustainable tourism project must also provide socio-economic benefits, long-term economic availability, stable employment, poverty alleviation, social services and income generation for the host community and all stakeholders. Firstly, regulations are forms of ensuring the sustainability of tourist destinations.

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