The Older Population of Mauritius Health and Social Care Essay

The UN Decade of Healthy Aging 2021-2030 aims to reduce health inequalities and improve the lives of older people, their families and communities through collective action in four areas: Changing how we think, feel and act regarding age and ageism, developing communities in ways that promote the capabilities of older people, Abstract. The human settlement process in Mauritius began and by the time it reached population life expectancy was years and the population pyramid. The share of population years or older in the total population is expected to increase. 5 There is therefore a need to respond to the specific health and social needs of Mauritius' growing aging population. 1 Introduction. there will be a. individuals and worldwide. It is predicted that in the Southeast Asian SEA countries, the proportion of people in years and older will account for. Healthcare for the elderly in rural areas and empty nest families is a major problem in an aging society like China. Based on previous studies, Chinese rural health care services only focus on the physical health of the elderly, while public health care services only provide primary services such as blood pressure and blood glucose. Introduction. The aging of the population is the result of development. It is expected that part of the world's population will consist of elderly people. During these years, the oldest population groups will belong to developed countries, while the greatest aging will occur in developing and less developed countries. 1.3 In other words: aging is currently a trend. Healthcare systems in low- and lower-middle-income countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, often lack the specialized staff and infrastructure to provide comprehensive care to the aging elderly. Community-based approaches that are close to the client are a low-cost way to provide basic care and social support to older people. The age limit of the elderly is increasing around the world, leading to more hospital admissions. There was. 7 increase in hospital admissions for the elderly - the United States. This rising hospitalization rate has had an impact on the delivery of healthcare services. 1 With the aging of the population comes a large number of chronic conditions; Social problems associated with population aging can be solved not only by formal services, such as social assistance, old-age pensions and health insurance, but also by providing a wide range of informal care to support the population, including support for themselves and the family. mutual support in the community. Such collaborations may include the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as “. a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Glenn and Weaver, 1979. Psychiatrist George Engel built on this definition and called for a new, biopsychosocial model Engel, 1977. It integrated traditional,

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