Frontal Lobe and Its Functions Psychology Essay

Importance, 3 explain the major theories of how the frontal lobe executive system works. works and how they relate to the symptoms you can expect on a daily basis, and 4 give a 'blue sky'. The article proposes that the functions of the subregions of the frontal lobe can be divided into three interconnected hierarchical systems with varying degrees of causal proximity in regulating human behavior and social connectedness: the closest, voluntary, controlled behavior, including motor functions underlying action perception, the parietal lobe, located in the upper middle part of the cerebral cortex, plays a central role in integrating sensory information from different parts of the body, understanding spatial orientation and processing of information about touch. In psychology, it is critical for tasks such as attention, spatial reasoning, and self-discrimination. The ability to decide about something involves reasoning, learning and creativity. A study conducted proposed a new model for understanding how the decision-making process takes place in the frontal lobe, specifically how the brain creates a new strategy for a new, recurring situation or an open-ended environment. They called this Frontal Lobe Neurology and the Creative Mind. Concepts from cognitive neuroscience strongly suggest that the prefrontal cortex PFC plays a crucial role in the cognitive functions necessary for creative thinking. Functional imaging studies have repeatedly demonstrated the involvement of PFC in creativity tasks. The cerebellum makes up the entire size of the brain, but is responsible for a greater portion of the total number of neurons contained in the entire brain. The cerebellum consists of small lobes and has various functions. It receives information from the balance system of the inner ear, sensory nerves and auditory and visual. The occipital lobes are vital areas at the back of the brain responsible for processing visual information. They house the primary visual cortex, which receives and interprets visual stimuli from the eyes. The occipital lobes play a crucial role in tasks such as object recognition, color perception, depth perception and motion detection. The frontal lobes are also thought to play a role in our spatial orientation, including the orientation of our body in space. ” 2010. Other functions of the frontal lobe include understanding humor, according to a study conducted by Dr. Stuss at the University of Toronto, “people with right frontal damage had the. This book is a collection of essays by active researchers discussing their own work on the definition of executive or controlled behavior, and on the relationship of this behavior to specific areas of the frontal cortex. The articles are mainly concerned with logical problems that arise in defining these functions that lead to. Unlike our caveman brain, which functions continuously, our prefrontal cortex is more like a Lowe et al. 2019 McGonigal, 2011 battery. In essence, we are “draining our frontal lobe battery. The brain controls your thoughts, feelings and physical movements. The brain is a unique organ responsible for many functions such as problem solving, thinking, emotions, controlling physical movements, and mediating perception and responses related to the five senses. The many nerve cells of the brain communicate, Abstract. Many tests of specific 'executive functions' show deficits1.

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