Impact of environmental factors on the finance function Accounting essay

Accounting tools in the management and protection of Nigeria's natural resources. The main goal. of this study is to examine environmental accounting in the financial statements. This study aims to assess the impact of environmental accounting information disclosure on financial risk in the context of the Vietnamese stock market. The data collection process is non-financial companies, carefully selected from the group of Sustainable Companies included in the “Program on, Environmental factors influencing an accounting development. 1. Political Influence Assenso-Okofo et al. 2011 found that political systems influence a country's financial reporting and disclosure practices. The findings of the study show that there is a significant negative relationship between the successful use of financial applications in Indonesian state-owned enterprises and environmental uncertainty. These functions are highly dependent on finances and are influenced by external factors from the environment. 5 Finance and its related activities play a very important role in the long-term survival and growth of the organization. 6 In short, “Valuation of a company” is one of the important aspects of the finance function. Related: The accounting system plays a crucial role in the organizational structure of the company. The literature shows that the major contingency factors affecting organizational structure are as follows: Financial accounting is the process of recording, summarizing, and reporting the numerous transactions resulting from business activities over a period of time. These transactions are summarized.

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