The Good and Evil of Islam Religion Essay

However, Islam does not separate religion from morality, as some people misunderstand. You cannot be a "good Muslim" and a "bad person" at the same time, because worship and character are two sides. As confusing and sensitive as it is, religion offers the opportunity to explore different topics, even in your essay assignment. From the existence of God and evidence of a deity to the concepts of love and harmony in human existence, there are no limits to what you can write about religion. You just need to find a topic that fascinates you and. Keywords: Good and evil Literature, Religion, philosophy, Islam. Abstract. The concept of 'Good and Evil' has remained a resolvable concept since the inception of the human intellect. Every individual uses terms like good and evil, deeds and misdeeds, virtue and vice etc. in daily life. Evangelicals have always believed that all other religions are wrong, but what stands out now is the name-calling. The good verses of the Quran are like the food to which a murderer adds poison. Zoroastrianism, ancient pre-Islamic religion of Iran that survives there in isolated areas and, more prosperously, in India, where the descendants of Zoroastrian Iranian Persian immigrants are known as Parsis or Parsees. The Iranian prophet and religious reformer Zarathushtra flourished on a larger scale before the century BC. 5. Christians believe that all suffering is caused by personal sin. Answer: Not true. Although sin is the cause of much suffering in the eyes of Christians, it is not the cause of all suffering. For example, the Old Testament tells of Job, who is the prime example of a man who suffers despite his righteousness. Introduction. It is wrong to tell lies, torture animals, and kill or harm innocent people. It is good to be kind and charitable, grateful, courageous, patient, just and wise. These principles are called ethics or morals and are called khuluq sing. or akhlaq pl. in the Qur'an and the prophetic teachings. According to the Princeton Online Dictionary, Shinto is the ancient indigenous religion of Japan. It lacks formal dogma and is characterized by the worship of nature spirits and ancestors. 1 The name Shinto comes from Chinese characters for Shen, divine being and Tao, way, and means Way of the Spirits. 2Let's talk honestly. Almost never do non-Muslims study Islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their exposure. Only after they have become dissatisfied with the religions known to them, that is, Judaism, Christianity and all the fashionable '-isms', Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and, as my young daughter once added: this honesty , an essential ingredient of Muslim character, includes being honest with God by worshiping Him, being truly honest with yourself, by adhering to God's laws, and being honest with others by speaking the truth and being honest in all actions, such as buying, selling and marrying. Taking a course on Islam was a top priority on my list because I was aware of my own ignorance of both the religion and the culture. But people are not strictly bound by their ignorance that perpetuates destructive stereotypes. Misconceptions and misunderstandings can be easily remedied with knowledge. And that's something I've learned. The European Enlightenment, part of overcoming centuries-old European intra-religious warfare that ended with the famous Peace of Westphalia, promoted the value of tolerance, in an effort to curb sectarian conflict and ensure the freedom to practice religion. as well as freedom,

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