Effect of Miswak on oral malodor essay

Furthermore, no studies have assessed this relationship under fasting and non-fasting conditions. Because Miswak is commonly consumed by Muslims during fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, Aumeeruddy et al. In 2018, we aimed to assess whether dietary conditions influenced the effects of miswak on oral H. pylori. Conclusion Our study results concluded that the baseline oral malodor T1 score was 57.57. After 10 weeks of treatment, T2 was 95.08. 8. An average increase in oral malodor score. 1 Introduction. Foul breath and/or noticeable odor emanating from the oral cavity is often defined as halitosis, which applies to the general population. It has been reported. of bad breath cases are due to problems in the oral cavity, also known as bad odor. It is considered a negative element in one's self. Our results confirmed the beneficial effect of S. persica Miswak on oral health, possibly due to the presence of important compounds that have an anticariogenic effect. Benzyl isothiocyanate. Background Siwak is a chewing stick that has been used for years by Muslim communities around the world as an aid to oral hygiene. When used alone or in combination with a regular toothbrush, there is evidence to support its clinical effectiveness in controlling plaque, but adverse effects on periodontal health remain. It is estimated that -70 of adults in India and Pakistan use miswak, especially in rural areas. areas. Its use is also very common in Arab countries and most of the Muslim world. This is possible. strongly overcome by using aqueous extract and less active in the alcoholic and non-polar extracts. The tree “Miswak” or. “Siwak” known as Arak tree, means to rub or clean. It was concluded that miswak Salvadora persica had an antibacterial effect at higher concentrations and that there was no difference in the antibacterial effect of fresh and one-month-old miswak. and Stakiw the effects of freshly stored miswak Salvadora persica at aqueous concentrations;

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