Stress in the workplace and its consequences essay

It can affect how quickly food moves through the body, which can cause diarrhea or constipation. In addition, stress can cause muscle cramps in the intestine, which can be painful. Stress can have an influence. Another example of a stressful event is when someone moves into a new house or apartment. Here, stress is due to a large number of responsibilities that need to be handled, be it financial expenses, setting up the house, transportation etc. Chronic Stress: Divorce is that stress which has a strong impact on a person's life. The conceptualization of work stress is critical when developing interventions for the workplace. Work-related stress is defined as 'a harmful response by people to the excessive pressures and demands placed on them at work'. many in Britain complain that work-related stress, depression or workplace bullying is damaging the health and wellbeing of employees. It can also harm productivity and performance in the workplace. The pernicious nature of bullying creates long-lasting scars that impact the victim's self-esteem, self-confidence and overall mental health, says Azizi Marshall, LCPC, a licensed clinical professional. Stress is the emotional and physical way in which people respond to pressure. Physiological changes – such as increased heart rate and muscle tension – and emotional and behavioral changes are ways in which people respond to stress. Most psychologists view stress as a process that involves a person's interpretation. does not mean less work. Answer: B Supporting sentence: Stojkov should focus on short-term stress reduction – weekends in the mountains, the occasional “mental health day” – rather than delegating more work. Keywords: Stress reduction, weekends Keyword Location: Section C, 7th line Explanation, Work stress is ‗emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physiological. response to aversive and harmful aspects of work, work environments and. work organizations. It is a state that is characterized. 3. Working relationships. Not everyone at work is your friend. When other team members or managers don't get along, it creates stressful situations. It leads to more tension and poor decision-making. If your team members make you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at work, it creates even more stress. Stress is normally an unavoidable part of everyone's life in this world. It portrays a negative idea that it can. have an impact on a person's mental and physical well-being. In the field of. Stress management and wellness programs in the workplace can help reduce the level and impact of stress and restore an employee's depleted psychological resources Tetrick amp Winslow, 2015. This article explores what we mean by stress management in the workplace and introduces mechanisms and activities that can provide relief. of workplace stress can be classified into six categories: demands, control, support, relationships, role and change. For example, you may feel stressed if you don't have control over the way you do your work, if you don't get enough information and support to do your job, if you are bullied at work, or if you don't fully understand your problems.,

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