Towards the Modern World The Industrial Revolution History Essay

The Industrial Revolution was a period of scientific and technological development in the century, which largely transformed rural areas and agriculture. The term 'industrial revolution' is a shorthand slogan to describe a historical period, starting in Britain in the 20th century, where the pace of change became apparent. accelerate. This acceleration of industrialization led Europe, the United States of America, and much of the world into the modern era. Most historians argue that the nobles who were allowed to make laws were corrupt and often enriched themselves, allowing the poor or the so-called third estates to make their money. This article will attempt to compare and contrast the two revolutions that took place, focusing on their causes. as well as the consequences that come with it. The Industrial Revolution is one of the most important events in human history and has had a profound effect on many countries around the world. While the Industrial Revolution first began in Britain in the century, and played out in subsequent centuries, its effects are still visible in our lives. Key Takeaways AP World History Modern, 1750-1900 For example, the ideals of the Enlightenment inspired a wave of independence movements and revolutions across America. The peculiarities of human existence and economic activity are a source of ecological variability from all over the world. . The Industrial Revolution, which began, is considered the introduction of climate change. Carbon dioxide emissions are significantly lower than before the inauguration of industrialization. The Industrial Revolution Essay. The Industrial Revolution can be described as the expansion of undeveloped forces. Paul Mantoux describes the breadth of the watershed phenomena in British, European and world history. In his perspective, the revolution cannot be pigeonholed because it was not government policy,

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