Fast Food and Teenage Obesity Essay

Background. Globally, young adolescents, especially those in the LMICs of low- and middle-income countries, are experiencing a nutritional transition in the form of a dramatic shift in food consumption patterns from the traditional diet of their respective countries to a Westernized diet1,2. Fast food is a common part of Western diets. Proximity to fast food restaurants appears to be a factor associated with overweight and obesity in both adults and children. 7, 9 The strongest correlations were 0.93 for year-old boys, respectively. 95 and for overweight, for girls, years old. 0.84. Fast food has been a staple of the American diet since the 1990s and has expanded rapidly in recent decades. Although fast food restaurants offer affordable and convenient meals, their impact on public health and society is a matter of debate. This essay explores the history and growth of fast food. According to results from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, the prevalence of overweight and obesity among adolescents aged -17 years generally increases with age. Obesity rates also increase with age, Background. Globally, young adolescents, especially those in low- and middle-income countries, are experiencing a nutritional transition in the form of a dramatic shift in food consumption patterns from the traditional diet of their respective countries to a Westernized diet. Fast food is a common phenomenon. part of, In a pan-India study of children, it was found that they consumed packaged food more than once a week, consumed packaged sweetened drinks, at least once a week. Conclusion. The reasons given for the link between obesity and mental disorders can be boiled down to four main reasons: behavioral problems, negative body image due to social stigma, the effects of medications, and hormonal imbalances. Behavioral problems include physical inactivity and uncontrolled eating habits. Professional authors can write an essay for hours if there is a certain volume, but keep in mind that with such a service the price will be the highest. The cheapest estimate is the work that needs to be done in days. words cost you 10, hours cost you 50. Answer. Obesity has become a common problem in Western societies and this is partly due to the availability of fast food at low prices. To tackle this problem, it has been suggested that governments should increase taxes on fast food to reduce the amount of pre-cooked meals consumed..

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