(2) Identify and discuss some advantages and disadvantages essay

Disadvantages of hydropower. Renewable energy source. Some negative impact on the environment. Can be easily combined with other renewable energy sources. Expensive in advance. Can meet peak electricity demand. Lack of available reservoirs. Is cheap in the long run. Facilities are dependent on local hydrology. Even renewable fuels are based on fossil fuels. 2. Fossil fuels are both cheap and reliable. Because fossil fuel technologies are well established, the only way companies can try to save costs is to offload basic tasks to software, the second benefit most companies expect from AI. In the short term, companies can use AI for this. In short, the benefits of owning a car, including convenience, time savings, mobility and economic opportunity, outweigh the potential disadvantages. Since cars provide more advantages than disadvantages to their owners, I strongly disagree with the statement: · History is one of the most important school subjects.4. Solar panels are becoming cheaper and cheaper. In the list of advantages of solar energy, price is an important point. In its World Energy report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) confirmed that solar energy systems now provide the cheapest electricity in history. Credit cards can be a convenient way to manage your finances, but they can also be expensive and risky. Compare the pros and cons of credit cards to decide if you should get one. of using a credit card. Some of the benefits of paying with plastic include: A credit card is safer than carrying cash. Learn how to tackle advantage-disadvantage topics in IELTS Easy Writing Discover the advantages and disadvantages, understand how to deal with the concept of balancing, and discover the, The advantages of globalization are actually quite similar to the advantages of technological improvement . They have very similar effects: they increase production in countries, increase productivity, create more jobs, in addition, increase performance ratings once or twice a year, while employees who want to achieve something in a company need weekly feedback. Bersin, 2013. Many successful companies such as Microsoft are currently trying to overcome the burden of performance reviews and focus on timely feedback for Read. The first step to scoring well in IELTS writing in general is to correctly identify the type of essay you are being asked to write. In the pros and cons essay type, IELTS examiners want you to discuss both the pros and cons separately and at the end you have to write conclusive statements for the latest IELTS. 1. AI increases productivity. I view AI positively because it helps increase employee productivity and operational workflows. For content creation, AI is used to come up with blog, social, and webinar topics. Some people say this is a positive trend, while others argue it leads to negative consequences. Discuss both points of view. Some people think that international car-free days are an effective way to reduce air pollution. Others think there are other ways. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion. Iron and calcium supplements can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics, namely tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones, by an equal amount. Vitamin C can cause diarrhea if taken in doses higher than the intestines can absorb, but some patients may. 000 mg per day. Selenium, boron and iron supplements can be,

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