Pentonville Prison During the 19th Century (1842-1900) essay

Throughout the century, Shoemaker's research brought attention to the prosecution and punishment of crimes. The Prison Reform Trust, a British charity, works to create a fair and safe prison system in the century. The prison system has particular difficulty reforming younger offenders. Yet the separate system would provide the model and ideal system for prison design and discipline throughout the nineteenth century. Pentonville had inspired ten new English prisons to be built on the same model, and ten others had switched to the separate system, while in Ireland about a third of convicts and local prisons, Home gt GCSE gt History gt, c1700-c Prison and Robert Pel. c1700-c Prison and Robert Peel. 4.5. reviews 18th century Britain. 0.0, 5. 3- 1700- 1900: Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain. 0.0, 5. Case study of Pentonville Prison in the second half of the century. After this, they must annotate several images about Pentonville to explain how the individual system is designed to work. Edexcel - Crime and Punishment c1700- 1900.

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