Foreign legislation and protective measures Environmental science essay

The marine environment of Bangladesh is endowed with numerous living resources including fish, mollusks, crustaceans, corals and aquatic plants including seaweed. Marine pollution is now a buzzword as pollution of the marine environment has devastating effects on the aquatic ecosystem. Bangladesh has ratified most of the legislation on environmental pollution crime in Germany, Japan, Britain and the United States. There are similarities and differences, and these similar or different models or regulations reflect their different environmental states, legal cultures, legal traditions, political systems, levels of economic development. An environmentally sustainable society can be achieved if the current generation takes care of the natural resources so that future generations are taken into account. The aim is to ensure that there is continuity of people in society. The environment that sustains society can be achieved if policies are put in place that advocate the protection of the. This strategy and action plan sets out how a common national approach to implementing the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting will provide coherent, comprehensive and integrated accounts to support government, business and community decision-making. Environmental Legislation and Institutional Measures 7. 1. Protection Act, Wild Life Protection Act, an Act of the Indian Parliament enacted to protect our diversity of flowers and fauna. for the protection of wild animals and plants and for matters related thereto. Therefore, in addition to the framework of the National Environmental Law, there is a number of oral legislation in the environmental field and environmental management is dispersed among the respective institutions. The preamble to the law states the purpose of the law, which is to protect and improve the environment. It strives to protect people, other living things, plants and property from environmental hazards. It extends to the whole of India and aims to prevent, control and reduce environmental pollution.

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