Essentials of Informed Consent Nursing Essay

Legally, this requires that the patient, or their surrogate, be informed of the risks, benefits and alternatives to treatment. A signature on the consent form provides legal documentation of the consent. Ethically, consent is about patient autonomy, meaning that the patient understands and freely consents to the treatment. According to the author, most of the definitions and concepts used are consistent and capture the general essence of informed consent. However, the definition of informed consent from the Mosby pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Profession lacks the knowledge of giving information and refers only to invasive procedures. As much as. Ref A: 348F150201BB40DB92F381BE6CA44EC B: VIEEDGE C: 2023-03-23T11:57:23Z Essentials of Informed Consent Nursing Essay Ref A. 4. Conclusion. The concept of informed consent arises from the basic ethical principle of respect for persons, i.e. patient autonomy and fundamental human rights. Unfortunately, history has taught us that informed consent is not only ethically correct, but also essential for conducting medical research and clinical trials..

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