What are the causes of global warming Environmental science essay

~ Modern global warming is the result of an increase in the magnitude of the so-called greenhouse effect, a warming of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere caused by the presence of water vapor, an IPCC special report on the effects of global warming . above pre-industrial levels and associated global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the Causes and Consequences of Climate Change. ENVIRONMENT. REFERENCE. What is global warming, explained. The planet is warming, and that is happening quickly. By Christina: For more than a century, scientists have understood the fundamental physics behind why greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide cause warming. These gases make up only a small part of the atmosphere. ~ Global warming is the long-term increase in the Earth's temperature. It occurs when greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat from the sun in the atmosphere, leading to a greenhouse effect. This disrupts the planet's climate system, which has negative consequences. The excessive emission of greenhouse gases that are trapped on the earth's surface and cause a rise in temperature is one of the causes of global warming. Volcanoes contribute to global warming by releasing excessive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. Population growth is one of the most important factors contributing to global development,

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