History S - Democracy in Western Europe of the 19th century essay

By the end of the century's Indian Wars, fewer people remained of the more than million people who lived in North America before European contact. The idea that democracy might have a history is one that has only recently emerged in the way we think about contemporary Europe. For much of the second half of the twentieth century, democracy seemed to be the historical endpoint at which Western Europe had arrived, and toward which rusting socialist regimes dramatically transformed living and working conditions in several regions. Population, resources and technology. the European population numbered millions, the million of the world. In the century, growth accelerated to millions in Europe, 1. in the world. Beginning with the labor parties of the twentieth century, equal rights advocates pursued a series of reform efforts that spanned the entire nineteenth century. Most notable were the National Workers. Europe: 19th century. Science, industry and the growth of cities have transformed art forever. 1800 - 1900. The women's suffrage movement was a decades-long struggle to win the right to vote for women in the United States. Subsequently, the amendment to the Constitution was finally ratified. Over the course of the century, immigration doubled the city's population every year. Homes that were once intended for one family were often divided to accommodate as many people as possible. Switzerland and many American states incorporated direct democracy into their constitutions over the course of the century, while Germany and some other countries adopted some elements after World War I. In a more general perspective, the resulting introduction or practical use of direct democratic institutions emerged from three major developments: types of,

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