Media attention can make or break the police essay

the black grassroots formed the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union POPCRU. This was the “first real trade union in South Africa”. As a result, executives have fired or suspended hundreds of the organization's members from the ranks of police and prison guards. Police have tear-gassed their rallies and attacked attendees with batons. The abundance of law enforcement agencies in the US makes it difficult for standardized community policing because media coverage of a police problem in a community is easily generalized. The police are the first in the line of law enforcement, primarily investigating crimes and determining whether a case will be dismissed or taken to trial. If communities want changes in policing, police must inform the public about the potential costs, benefits, and consequences. disadvantages of these changes, so that communities can make informed and appropriate decisions. Elected officials are responsible for facilitating this process and ensuring that thoughtful changes are implemented. Johnetta Elzie, a protester, was tear gassed in Ferguson and again last week in Washington, DC. Always praise in public and discipline in private. 2. Look for the good. It's very easy to see the bad or the wrong, but notice that officers are doing things right and reward accordingly. 3. Stop micromanaging. If you hire someone to do the job, let him or her do it. To understand whether and how social media has made the police accessible to citizens, it is relevant to first consider the police involvement that existed before the advent of social media. This has been carried out in person with people in the same physical location, for example through community meetings and during foot patrols. The abundance of law enforcement agencies in the US makes it difficult for standardized community policing because media coverage of a police problem in a community is easy to generalize. The police are the first in the line of law enforcement, primarily investigating crimes and determining whether a case will be dismissed or taken to trial. Police work is a profession that has been described as hours of boredom followed by extreme moments of fear and terror, with coffee and donuts sometimes thrown into the mix. It is also a culture that is seen by the public as corrupt, aggressive, racist and above the law that gives them power. In a profession where these extremes exist, this is necessary,

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