Dividend Policy Volatility of Stock Prices in Oil Exploration Financial Essay

The analysis result shows that dividend policy, leverage and company size simultaneously affect stock price volatility. In part, dividend policy and company size have a negative effect on the share price. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between dividend policy and stock price volatility, with a focus on consumer products companies listed on the Malaysian stock market. For this. Abstract. In the modern business world, dividend policy is one of the most controversial issues in corporate finance. The scientific literature on the effect of dividend policy on share prices has grown. We investigate the impact of dividend policy on stock price volatility by examining the relationship between volatility and three dividend policy indicators: dividend yield, dividend payout and. The chosen dependent variable is the stock price volatility, while the dividend policy is initially represented by the dividend payout ratio PRt amp PRt-1, dividend yield DYt amp DYt-1.

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