Sovereignty versus humanitarian intervention politics essay

We will seek to address and explore the tensions that humanitarian intervention creates between state sovereignty and the protection of human rights. Resume. There is an inherent tension, which has not yet been fully resolved in international law or in the practice of states, between protecting state sovereignty and the idea of ​​humanitarian intervention: state sovereignty, as a legal and normative concept, serves as the cornerstone for only institutional architecture capable of creating order within it. Abstract. The essay discusses five recent works on humanitarian intervention that shed new light on it. central questions of the debate. The authors, mainly international lawyers but also scientists. Those who write about the realistic treatment of humanitarian intervention are. Responsibility to Protect was first developed by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty and adopted by. 1- A. Wolfers, Discord and Collaboration: Essays on International Politics Baltimore, 1962. 98. A. In short, humanitarian intervention aims to protect basic human rights in extreme circumstances; it is not directly intended to protect or promote civil and political rights. The balance between state sovereignty and individual rights can be maintained by paying close attention to the set of principles known as the just war doctrine.

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