Bilaterally occurring popliteal artery Health and social care essay

According to White 2017, the risk assessment process in the social and healthcare context involves four steps. First of all, a person's wishes and feelings regarding risk must be understood. Second, the effect of risk on a person must be understood. Third, risks must be enabled and responded to, and finally, a plan must be in place. The popliteal artery is marked by connecting the following points. First point: 2. medial to the midline on the back of the limb, at the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the thigh. The second point is at the back of the midline of the knee. Third point: At the tibial tuberosity stage, on the midline of the back of the neck. Resume. origin: continuation of the superficial femoral artery as it leaves the adductor canal main branch: anterior tibial artery termination: continues as the tibioperoneal trunk in the inferior aspect of the popliteal fossa Supply: knee, leg, and foot Gross anatomy Origin. As a continuation of the femoral superficial femoral artery as it merges into the,

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