Stem cell research pros and cons essay

Order a Custom Essay Market Research Pros and Cons with Free Plagiarism, Experts Topics Delivery Start Hours Receive. The pros and cons of the embryonic stem cell research argument. Theories and pros and cons of risk taking and human motivation. In addition, all federally funded embryonic stem cell research uses stem cells from stem cell lines containing the original group of embryonic stem cells. Basically, if a lab took some stem cells from an embryo, they could divide the stem cells however they wanted, and now funded research strictly uses these replicated stem cells. See a full list of benefits of stem cell therapy below: Tissue Regeneration: Stem cells have the unique ability to replace damaged tissue. This regeneration ability has enormous therapeutic potential for injuries and diseases that lead to tissue damage or loss, such as heart disease, spinal cord injury or burns. There are additional pros and cons of stem cell research to consider. Here are the key points to look at. 1. Adult stem cells have a low rejection rate. Therapies can be developed from adult stem cells collected from each patient. Stem cell research: some benefits and. Science today moves at tremendous speed in the field of cloning, gene therapy, miracle drugs, exotic therapies, etc. One of the most important breakthroughs came when two separate researchers successfully isolated stem cells from human embryos and aborted fetuses..

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