Learning outcomes in the diverse classroom education essay
In a recent study, researchers found, parents pointed to greater flexibility in a child's schedule or method of learning as the biggest benefit or positive outcome related to remote learning, School Psychology, Roy, A. et al. in the press. The Ecorys report defines digital inclusion as “leveraging digital tools to increase access and improve the quality of teaching and learning with the aim of providing fair and equitable education” European Commission et al. 2021. 3 Digital inclusion required that a number of conditions are met. Steps in formulating learning outcomes. 1. Determine the expected knowledge, essential skills and attitudes. Once an understanding of the knowledge, skills and attitudes outcomes has been achieved, teachers then identify the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes that KSA students need to acquire in a specific subject.1. Think about your own beliefs. Before you can create a more equitable learning environment in the classroom, you must first consider your own beliefs. Teachers, like anyone else, may be unaware of the biases that exist in their training and upbringing. Data shows that girls receive less and lower quality feedback than boys in the classroom.