The protection of children Social work essay

Effective protection allows people, especially children, young adults and other vulnerable people, to live free from fear of abuse, harm or neglect. Britain, as students, child protection practitioners and later in our careers as practicing teachers and leaders, and in helping to shape policy, we are able to use the methods of: Child protection systems can only support and strengthen family units and protect children from harm and social injustice when there is a strong, supported workforce. This conceptual article explores the concept of professional curiosity within child protection practice, taking into account the barriers that may prevent social workers from invoking curiosity. The authors argue that the definitions of professional curiosity are not clear and transparent at the time of writing; we know of no other introduction. The safeguarding of adults is attracting increasing interest in policy and practice internationally Sethi et al. 2011. Initially developed in response to concerns about elder abuse and abuse, particularly sexual abuse, of adults with learning disabilities in ss Dixon et al. 2021 Cooke, 1995, it has become a, focuses on the contexts, social circumstances in which harm occurred. Seek contextual work in child protection, child welfare and safeguarding, rather than crime fighting and community safety. Be based on partnerships that had reach into contexts where harm occurred. Measure success and results. Adult protection and personalization. This essay will focus on adult protection and how law and policy apply to working with vulnerable adults, in turn recognizing how this can protect or hinder their rights. In addition, it will also demonstrate that I understand the role and responsibilities of a social worker. For example, The Care and Support Statutory Guidance in England states that social workers are likely to be the most appropriate professionals to investigate abuse or neglect within families or informal relationships Department of Health and Social Care, 2020. 8 and emphasizes the importance of the core social work, Safeguarding: Why working in partnership is the key to effective protection. Rachel Buckler. Tuesday. In the final part of this series, safety specialist Rachel Buckler provides guidance on working with others to achieve the right outcomes for children. Working with others such as Ofsted's National Director of Social Care, Yvette Stanley, he discusses the key ingredients for multi-agency safeguarding schemes to improve the response to children in need of help. They outline five steps to follow if a security issue arises, to ensure proper procedures are followed. The R's of protection are: Recognize. Answers. Report. File. Refer. Sometimes R's of security are called R's of security.

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