Meaning of the word Disciple Theology Religion essay

Understanding the theological context of biblical discipleship. We saw in the first reading that being a disciple of Christ means that you are called to be with Him and know Him, but also to follow Him and make disciples of other people. Now it's fair to ask for a broader context for this duty. The Deeper Meaning of Feeding 000. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up into heaven and blessed them. Then he broke the loaves into pieces and continued to give the bread and fish to the disciples so that they could distribute them to the people. 16. The story in 12- is often called 'The feeding of the.' Being a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ means learning from Him and staying close to Him. These two requirements were essential to Christ's disciples then, and are equally necessary to Christ's followers today. When Christ called His first disciples, He simply said, "Follow Me." These humble fishermen responded by leaving their land. Pursuing discipleship means putting Christ first in all situations. 23-24 Following Him is a choice. When the decision is made to follow Christ, a deeper relationship with God can be found. The book of Ecclesiastes teaches that two are better than one. 9-12 The word 'disciple' appears several times in the books of the New Testament. It is one of the most common words associated with Jesus Christ in the Gospels. Although "disciple" has the same basic meaning every time it is used in the Bible, it occasionally describes different people. Recent decades have seen an increase in discipline-specific theorizing about the nature and role of narrative in fields such as philosophy. theology, Hauerwas and and philosophy of religion Theology since s: Broadening the Domain. Apart from the nineteenth-century examples of Graf and Nitzsch and the sub-disciplines of diaconal science and religious education, practical theological research only began to be addressed to people other than preachers in the 1930s. Secularization, Paul's teachings and doctrines set the course for Christianity to become the global religion it is today, and in this way Paul's impact and contribution to Christianity is extremely significant. Paul challenged the concept that Jews were the “chosen ones” and allowed Christianity to flourish. He also played a crucial role in this.

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