Environmental Studies S - Organic Agriculture Essay

The positive factors of organic farming that are associated with sustainable agricultural practices include the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plans to reduce pesticide consumption, crop rotation, planting nitrogen-fixing cover crops or cover crops, and/or the use of Mulches can all help to improve soil health, no-till or reduced use. The popularity of organic food is due to its nutritional and health benefits and positive impact on environmental and socio-economic status Chopra et al. A study by the UN Environment Program shows that organic farming methods produce small yields, lower than conventional agriculture. If farmers of organic farms could only use pesticides in the actual event of a pest, major crop losses could be avoided, without the organic farmer losing his status and benefiting from the state. In addition to the positive effects of community supported agriculture on the relationship between farmers and consumers, it also brings about dietary change. Organic agriculture is a long-term instrument for sustainable food production. Organic farming warns both the environment and natural resources of continued deterioration. Conventional agriculture may be attractive in the short term, but it does not guarantee the sustainability of food production in the future. Parry & American Rivers notes that a major threat to water pollution in America's rivers is runoff from non-organic farms, such as harmful pesticides, toxic fertilizers and animal waste. Organic farming helps keep our water supplies clean by stopping polluted runoff. Organic farming also helps save water. Organic farmers generally tend to do this. Organic food is big business Sales have increased dramatically, driven by a combination of health fears, interest in the environment and a variety of food problems associated with factory farming and industrial food production. 25

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