The Essay on Net Identity Theft and Information Technology

7. Shredding bank and tax documents. By thinking like a thief you reduce the risk of identity theft. Think of your tax documents, receipts, and bank statements as potential trapdoors into your personal life. To safely dispose of these financial documents, shred them. 8. An example of identity theft is the case of Abraham Abdalla from Brooklyn, also known as the bus boy. He went online to access people's private financial information. The victims were among the wealthiest people in America. He even had the credit cards and financial information of Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg. By: Tyrone Jasper C. Piad - inquirerdotnet. Philippine Daily Inquirer, 02: Million of adult Filipinos claim to have been victims. Identity theft is likely to derail the financial future of a specific individual. Any specific cybercriminal who has already gained access to certain identifiable information of an individual could allow the attackers to take out loans, open bank accounts, and conduct a host of other financial activities by using the identities of others. Identity theft is the use of someone's personal information, such as their name, social security number, credit card information, or other confidential information, for fraudulent purposes. This may include unauthorized access to bank accounts, credit card fraud, creating false identities or obtaining loans from the victim. Identity theft. Keith B. Anderson, Erik Durbin and. Michael A. Salinger. Identity theft is made possible by the nature of modern payment systems. In. the modern economy, sellers are willing to do that. Wall 2013:437 uses identity crime as an umbrella term to define a wide range of crimes in which the theft of identity documents is used to pursue identity fraud, thus encompassing both theft and identity fraud. Developer Kaspersky Lab offers several tips to effectively combat identity theft: Practice good password security: strong passwords are critical; they must be long letter combinations. With the criminal. CODE, identity theft is defined as theft. the theft mode of the storage device on which the personal. data stored by a person such as wallets, bags, mobile phones. Identity theft is defined using the identity concept now visible in Britain and the article examines the misuse by an individual of another individual's registered symbolic identity for a transaction. This article examines whether an individual's identity is property that could be subject to theft, taking into account the nature and function of,

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