Islamic worldview and civilization Religion essay

This is an analysis of the Tawḥīdī worldview from the standpoint of moral epistemology and moral psychology. The aim is to explore some of the implications that the names and attributes of Allah might have on the moral thoughts and behaviors of Muslims. Recently, the names and attributes of Allah have received little academic attention. Alija Ali Izetbegović (1925–2003) is one of the leading Muslim thinkers in recent history who have reconceptualized the Islamic worldview and ethos in the context of the contemporary world. The goal of Islamic civilization is 'Peace' and 'Tranquillity' for people in this world and the Hereafter. Therefore, the characteristics of Islamic culture and civilization are the unity of God, brotherhood, justice and goodwill, respect, purity, moral character and freedom. Karamustafa, who relies on the concept of Islamic civilization to define Islam in “Islam: A Civilization Project in Progress,” in Progressive Muslims: On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism, ed. O. By: Dr. I. Bruce Watson. The article first appeared in Insight, vol. 12. no. 33 Islam today faces challenges from within and from the wider world. The critical problems are the fundamental tensions within Islam. The attitudes and criticisms common in the outside world can be ignored as misleading or hostile, but the tensions. Christians remain the largest religious group in the world, but they are declining in Europe. Pew Research Center. Islam, MH 2019. Islam and Civilization Analysis study on the history of civilization in Islam. Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 5 1, pp. 22-39. Pasipoularides, A. 2019. The Islamic view tells us that our work should be aimed at our falah – that is, our success or prosperity in this world and the Hereafter. We will achieve this success by being obedient to our Lord and Creator - for who knows us better and knows what is better for us than the one who created, manages and rules this entire universe.

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