Success of the French Revolution Gaining power History essay

Parisian revolutionaries and mutinous troops storm and dismantle the Bastille, a royal fortress and prison that had come to symbolize the tyranny of the Bourbon princes. This. The American Revolution of 1775-1789 provided the French reformers with a working example of revolution and a successfully implemented constitution. The ideas of the French Revolution were also shaped by grievances specific to 19th century France and its society. Some of the key ideas of the French Revolution are: There was an urgent need for major reforms. The French economy also increasingly stagnated. Hampered by internal tolls and tariffs, regional trade was slow and the agricultural and industrial revolution that hit Britain was much slower in coming and was also adopted in France. 3. The Industrial Revolution was a period of scientific and technological development in the century that transformed largely rural, agricultural societies, especially in Europe and North America. The revolution abolished the feudal system and was one of the greatest steps in the history of modernity. The French Revolution was a successful undertaking on the part of the French people because it reformed the social tradition and hierarchy of the French aristocracy by making all people equal. The ideals of the Enlightenment. The American and French revolutions are considered some of the most influential and consequential. events from the second half of the eighteenth century. As historians note, the revolutions mentioned have had a profound, ongoing effect on the development of the world. held in different countries, the circumstances, the legacy and the lessons of the revolution. With the benefit of hindsight, it is easy to see the positive legacy of the French Revolution. It set the precedent of representative, democratic government, which is now the model of governance in much of the world. It also established liberal social principles of equality among all citizens. In an essay on the French Revolution, writing about its historical impact is one of the most popular routes for students. The French Revolution reverberated throughout Europe, sparking revolutionary fervor and political unrest in many countries. Its impact was profound and far-reaching, influencing the course of European history,

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