Methods to Eliminate the Effects of Storm Overflow Environmental Science Essay
Abstract. The consequences of flooding can be devastating. Major financial burdens often follow major storms to repair structural damage. Well-designed drainage systems provide effective drainage. In the context of global climate change and rising sea levels, the negative impacts of storm surges on the environment, economy and society of the affected areas are becoming increasingly important. However, due to differences in geography, climate and other conditions between affected areas, a single method for assessing the risk of the natural environment that allows life to flourish, nurture and destroy on our planet, Earth called. as an environment. The natural environment is vital to the survival of life on Earth, allowing humans, animals and other living things to thrive and evolve naturally. and the corresponding flooding in dry weather and wet weather, the monitoring activities were carried out in a storm drainage system in downtown Shanghai. In this research location, samples, DOI: 10.1016 j.jenvman.2021. ID: 239218916 Research into the impact of sewer overflows on the environment: an extensive literature review. article Owolabi2022InvestigatingTI, title Research into the impact of sewer overflows on the environment: an extensive literature review. author Titilayo Abimbola, The consequences of combined sewer overflows. Post-flood community organizations are classified into health, economic, social and environmental factors. Various factors are defined, and accordingly, the various impacts of CSOs are evaluated using multi-criteria decision-making methods of Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment, Abstract. Combined sewer overflows CSOs pose a major environmental problem for affected surface water bodies. In recent decades, major storms have become increasingly regular in some areas, and meteorological scenarios predict a further increase in their frequency.