Review of prison management system information technology essay

U.S. prisons and jails with millions of inmates often function as engines of poor community health care due to their disjointed internal health care systems. According to Emily Wang, MD, this is the core information system of prison administrations. The first generation of offender management systems and prison management systems was implemented in the mid-1990s. These systems, now called “legacy systems”, were custom developed, based on complex and heavy databases. Outdated and far from it. A literature search was conducted to identify peer-reviewed publications reporting the actual use of health information technology for healthcare quality and patient safety. Inductive thematic analysis with open coding was used to categorize the overall study. Three preset categories were used: prevention, identification and action. This research paper examines the complicated relationship between health information technology HIT and healthcare management efficiency, examining current trends, emerging technologies, and their potential implications. The study includes a thorough literature review, highlighting the impact of HIT on business operations,

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