Customer expectations of a hotel industry marketing essay

Data is reshaping hotel marketing, allowing hotels to better monitor guest satisfaction and the desire to personalize experiences and better target the customer base. Finally, it enables hotels to increase revenue through more accurate revenue and revenue practices by better predicting demand and thus offering more dynamic pricing, Faculty of Management Sciences. Graduation project. II. Research into the factors that influence customer retention in the hotel industry. Presented to: Dr. Sameh T awfik. Prepared by: Antoine Adel. However, if you look at the case of Zappos, who took all the money out of the marketing budget, put it into the customer experience, and marketed customer satisfaction, you might wonder if the hotel is: 1. Honest and transparent. Honesty and transparency distinguish high-quality companies from many others. When managing and meeting increasing customer expectations, it is equally important to be. The. requires a holistic approach to marketing practices, where value creation is driven by positive customer experiences that drive customer engagement and interaction. Looking at the hospitality sector, customers of hotels that properly complete the entire customer journey may be percent more willing to recommend those hotels than customers of hotels that only focus on touchpoints. If your company wants to reinvigorate the customer experience, three efforts can help you get rid of touchpoints. Luxury, it seems, can be something small, like creating a meaningful experience or showing that you care about the customer. But big or small, it must create an emotional bond with people, the product and the brand. “In luxury, things can be more powerful than words. Service. Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services delivered meet or exceed customer expectations. Kotler and Armstrong, 2018. It refers to the final stage of a process in which the customers evaluate the perceived benefits obtained from using the service, Oliver, 2010 Research shows that the most effective marketing technology in tourism and hospitality is relationship marketing. Customer loyalty is the most important part of this. Thus, the increase in loyalty means the development of the entire industry and the growth of revenues. Different authors propose different methods to increase customer loyalty. 2018 'Progress in research on CSR and the hotel industry 2006-2015', Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 59 1, pp. 15-38. Web. Yadegaridehkordi, E. et al. 2020 'The impact of big data on the performance of companies in the hotel industry', Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 40, 100921. Web.The changing consumer behavior in the hotel industry. Consumer behavior in the hospitality industry has undergone significant changes in recent years. These changes have been influenced by a variety of factors, including technological advances, socio-cultural shifts, and global events such as the pandemic. The hospitality industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. Mainly incorporated into a mix of service cafes, restaurants, accommodation, clubs, hotels, bars, etc. This is a job market with high opportunities for the highly mobile and youthful workforce as chefs, cooks, kitchen helpers, restaurant and catering managers. cleaner, or a.

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